Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Trish's Avocado Cream Soup

1 Small Onion diced
1 Shallot diced
4 Garlic diced
1 Tablespoon grated ginger
2 Tablespoons Daikon Radish diced

Saute with Butter in a Wok or Pan until golden and translucent, then add to Soup pot

4 Avocado diced
1 Pear (diced) I used wild pears and they were smaller so I used 4. 1 regular store bought pear should suffice
1 Cup Chicken Broth
1 Cup Sake/Rice Wine/White Wine
Dash of Lemon Juice
1/4 Cup Olive Oil
1 Cup Cream (Milk in a pinch) (save for last step)

Add all ingredients except Cream and bring to a boil, reduce and simmer for 20 minutes (make sure Pears are soft)
Remove from heat. Add in Cream slowly while blending with a hand blender.

Recommended serving with home made bacon bits or diced raw tomatoes on top. Good poured over a bowl of grilled chicken.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Nothing Fishier Than a Lamb of Cod

A quick disclaimer ; I will be poking at religion a fair amount, however I want it clear that I have nothing against Christianity or any faith for that matter. I am an Atheist, yet am not so ignorant as to deny the possibility that a God potentially could exist or that there is no truth at all in any religious text. What I poke at is not the faith itself, but where those who follow it can be idiots. In fact, there will be times where I will post positive things I find religious people saying or doing.

That said ; I found this gem the other day : http://objectiveministries.org/kidz/

The base site (Objective Ministries) has allot of fun fodder which makes me grimace, however I was led to the Kids page first (with Lamuel) and shall start there.

Scroll down to the Giraffe flash piece and read through the lesson. There is a piece in particular that really stands out. It made my jaw drop. Where did Cain get his wife? For those not in the know; Cain is the son of Adam and Eve and it states he took a wife in Genesis however since Adam and Eve were the first humans and it does not say who Cain's wife was it can be kind of confusing.


I have heard speech against the book of Genesis which has stated this, but never heard Christians say this. Cain married his sister.

I can live with the dodging around the fact that technically Eve is both Adam's daughter and sister, but there is no way around this. There are much better possibilities to draw from this. It even clears up the Creation vs Evolution debate ;

God created Eden separate from the rest of the world and when he exiled them he gave them reason to cover themselves and told them to go forth and multiply. Why weren't they shameful of their bodies before and why weren't they told to multiply before? Because before they were not Human. They were Man as in Mankind, but not Human as in the animal which evolved on the Earth. God gave Adam dominion over all animals and Humanity was one of those animals, and when he was expelled he was made into one of those animals. The children of Adam took wives from early humanity.

Can anyone explain to me why it makes more sense to teach children that God condones incest (in fact, from the scripture you can even say he expects it) rather than come up with a reason which agrees with modern science? There are allot of things in the Bible God both condones and in many cases even seems to expect of us which the modern church condemns, but generally these issues can be avoided when it comes to teaching the faith to children in favor of the more loved parables which are usually taught at Sunday School (such as Genesis and Noah's Ark). So why are they slapping Incest into the very first story children will learn and as the source of all mankind?

It even would make more sense to just say, "God made him a wife."

Before anyone pipes up and says, "yeah but Cain was a bad man, and commited the first murder so it is a given he was a sinner" ; his children would have had to interbreed as well.

Book One : Sussudio

In the beginning, there was an opening crawl...but nobody was there to read it so we have no clue what this is all about.

I have put off doing a blog for a long time. It seemed a Tranny cliche to have a blog of some sort.


However I am both a writer at heart and an opinionated blowhard bitch, so this was innevitable.

I will use this intelligently designed space of the internet to share my experiences in my transition, opinions on things, and observations with those who have some time to waste or are avoiding responsibility.

Beware the serpent, much love, Miss Ophelia.