Saturday, September 26, 2009

Nothing Fishier Than a Lamb of Cod

A quick disclaimer ; I will be poking at religion a fair amount, however I want it clear that I have nothing against Christianity or any faith for that matter. I am an Atheist, yet am not so ignorant as to deny the possibility that a God potentially could exist or that there is no truth at all in any religious text. What I poke at is not the faith itself, but where those who follow it can be idiots. In fact, there will be times where I will post positive things I find religious people saying or doing.

That said ; I found this gem the other day :

The base site (Objective Ministries) has allot of fun fodder which makes me grimace, however I was led to the Kids page first (with Lamuel) and shall start there.

Scroll down to the Giraffe flash piece and read through the lesson. There is a piece in particular that really stands out. It made my jaw drop. Where did Cain get his wife? For those not in the know; Cain is the son of Adam and Eve and it states he took a wife in Genesis however since Adam and Eve were the first humans and it does not say who Cain's wife was it can be kind of confusing.


I have heard speech against the book of Genesis which has stated this, but never heard Christians say this. Cain married his sister.

I can live with the dodging around the fact that technically Eve is both Adam's daughter and sister, but there is no way around this. There are much better possibilities to draw from this. It even clears up the Creation vs Evolution debate ;

God created Eden separate from the rest of the world and when he exiled them he gave them reason to cover themselves and told them to go forth and multiply. Why weren't they shameful of their bodies before and why weren't they told to multiply before? Because before they were not Human. They were Man as in Mankind, but not Human as in the animal which evolved on the Earth. God gave Adam dominion over all animals and Humanity was one of those animals, and when he was expelled he was made into one of those animals. The children of Adam took wives from early humanity.

Can anyone explain to me why it makes more sense to teach children that God condones incest (in fact, from the scripture you can even say he expects it) rather than come up with a reason which agrees with modern science? There are allot of things in the Bible God both condones and in many cases even seems to expect of us which the modern church condemns, but generally these issues can be avoided when it comes to teaching the faith to children in favor of the more loved parables which are usually taught at Sunday School (such as Genesis and Noah's Ark). So why are they slapping Incest into the very first story children will learn and as the source of all mankind?

It even would make more sense to just say, "God made him a wife."

Before anyone pipes up and says, "yeah but Cain was a bad man, and commited the first murder so it is a given he was a sinner" ; his children would have had to interbreed as well.


  1. Great post, Lovely.

    I tend to avoid reading fundamentalist propaganda. It makes my I.Q. drop just looking at the damn stuff; however, that site is ridiculous enough that it's just begging to be mocked. I love it!



  2. There is a certain irony to the internet when it comes to discussing other web sites which you are of a differing view with ; you wind up Google Bombing it.

    I found this one through

    The fact I found it through another site proves this.

    The more people link to a site, the more often it will show on Google searches, and the higher on Google's list it will be prioritized. Not only will they be fed hits through the sites that critisize them but they will also get more hits through Google searches and thus get a bigger viewership.

    It has been said that all publicity is good publicity, and with the birth of the internet that has never been more true.

    Actually. There are a few good things I found on their site, and I have a post planned for them later on.

  3. oh...and I love that the Christian scientist is of Jewish African decent :p

  4. The incest in Genesis is addressed at a later point, I'm pretty certain. The fact that Cain married his sister is common knowledge, and not some big Biblical dark secret, actually. People tend to bring it up as some sort of damning piece of evidence, when the fact of the matter is, it's not a big secret, and not much of a skeleton to yank from the closet. From a standpoint of simple logic, the existence of this information really does nothing to tarnish the nature of the religion, either, which is why little revelations like this usually annoy me. There are so many crazy pieces of batshit insanity in the Bible to pick from, don't focus on the one weirdo small fry, you know?

    Also, in regard to this question:

    Why weren't they shameful of their bodies before and why weren't they told to multiply before?

    Because they didn't have knowledge of good and evil. That's pretty clear from the text. The shame at their nakedness is a direct result of the loss of innocence, and the "go forth and multiply" command actually occurs before the temptation. I'm not trying to be a bitch or anything, but the point this post tries to make gets lost in its shoddy scholarship, I'm afraid.

  5. Thank you

    You are right on much of this.

    I never said it was a dark secret, I just find it rediculous to be throwing that out there so matter of fact to children.

    My Bible knowledge is better than most but has some holes I am aware of. You say it is brought up later that he married his sister and the incest is dealt with. Perhaps you or someone else could find the appropriate passages. I am rather curious on this.
